TB diagnosis can be done by a combination of symptoms, physical examination, and investigations, Among others, the many investigations include the examination of samples (e.g sputum) using a gene expert microscope, an x-ray of the relevant parts of the body, and the growth of TB germs in the laboratory. The appropriate investigations will be determined by the clinician.
Can a person with TB disease be cured?
A TB patient (Positive TB Diagnosis) can be cured of TB disease by taking the appropriate medicine and dosage for the correct duration. The appropriate medicine involves a combination of drugs, the correct duration is not less than six months depending on the severity of the TB disease.
A crucial component of treating active TB disease is direct observation of treatment (DOT), with DOT, a health worker/treatment supporter observes the patient swallow each dose of TB drug. DOT increases patient adherence and prevents relapses, continued transmission of infection to others, and the development of drug resistance. TB drugs are available at no cost at designated DOTS centers in the country.
The Different diagnostic Processes for estimating TB
The bacteriological confirmation processes (Tb Diagnosis process) for TB are
Xpert MTB/RIF: Wikipedia explains this process as a “cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test for simultaneous rapid tuberculosis diagnosis and rapid antibiotic sensitivity test. It is an automated diagnostic test that can identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA and resistance to rifampicin”. This process is the recommended first-line diagnostic test in Children. it may be positive in less than one-third of children with TB, but a negative result does not exclude TB, especially in Children.
The Tuberculin Skin Test
is one method (TB Diagnosis) of determining whether a person is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is performed by injecting 0.1 ml of tuberculin-purified protein derivative (PPD) into the inner surface of the forearm. The injection should be made with a tuberculin syringe, with the needle bevel facing upward. The TST is an intradermal injection. When placed correctly, the injection should produce a pale elevation of the skin (a wheal) 6 to 10 mm in diameter.
What are the Benefits of Proper TB Treatment?
The TB patient (A person who is positive after a TB diagnosis) will be cured of TB disease, The cure TB patient cannot spread TB germs to others, There will be a reduction in the number of persons able to spread TB germs. There will be a reduction in the transmission of TB if the reduction is eliminated.
What are the consequences of Improper TB treatment?
Improper treatment arises when persons with TB disease do not take the appropriate medicine and dosage for the correct duration or goes through poorly monitored TB diagnosis. such persons are not likely to be cured of TB and can become sick again. The TB germs which are still alive, become active and may develop resistance to the ist line drugs used for treating TB, drug-resistant TB (DRTB).
Though DR-TB germs may be killed by inline TB drugs. DR-TB patients are treated for a longer duration (20 months ) and the inline drugs” are more expensive and have more severe side effects. Persons who have DR TB are more likely to die even while on treatment than persons who have drug-susceptible TB. A person with DR-Tb can spread drug-resistant TB germs to someone who never had TB!
How Can TB be prevented?
Ensure TB patients observe basic infection control practices such as covering of nose and mouth with handkerchiefs when coughing or sneezing, Avoiding spitting indiscriminately and disposing of sputa properly, washing their hands after coughing or sneezing, ensuring intermittent TB diagnosis, and put on appropriate treatment for the right duration. BCG vaccination can prevent severe forms of TB.
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