Personal and Community Health

Childhood TB Testing week

The National Child TB Testing Week 2024

The National Childhood TB Testing Week in Showers Foundation Supported States. According to NTBLCP, One Nigerian dies every 5 minutes of Tuberculosis. The Burden of TB in Nigeria is high and at least 23 percent of the death burden in Africa is TB-related. The 2nd National childhood tuberculosis testing week took place from May to […]

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7 hidden Diseases you can cure and prevent with drinking water regularly

By Joanna Jaiyeola Diseases you can cure with drinking water regularly Lady elegantly drinking water Being the most important liquid in the world, water is a natural gift that has be proven to naturally prevent and cure some diseases even without taking heavy drugs.  A student of Alexander Fleming-Penicillin discoverer and Nobel laureate, Dr. Bateman

7 hidden Diseases you can cure and prevent with drinking water regularly Read More »

8 best Air Pollution Control Strategies and Measures in the Community 

By Joanna Jaiyeola Every day, Air pollution has become a threat to humans. It has over time become the cause of several respiratory diseases among people in the community. The need to focus on prevention in our communities cannot be overemphasized. Read Also: Long and short-term effects of air pollutants on human health Establishing strategies

8 best Air Pollution Control Strategies and Measures in the Community  Read More »

A Picture of a Mosquito, Feeding, This process is one of the first steps towards transmitting Malaria. Showers Foundation. For effectiveness in Preventing Malaria, Breading areas of this mosquito and conditions favourable to breeding should be curbed.

2024 Common domestic controls for preventing malaria in the home- showers foundation

By Joanna Jaiyeola Malaria is caused by? Preventing Malaria has many major steps that require cleanliness (Personal and Environmental) as well as taking care to go on preventative doses every 3 Months. Malaria is a sickness usually caused by parasites of the Plasmodium genus.  The parasites are transmitted to humans through the bites of infected

2024 Common domestic controls for preventing malaria in the home- showers foundation Read More »

Long and Short-term causes of effects of air pollution on human health

Air pollution is the release of harmful substances, into the air. It is an environmental health hazard linked with climate change, burning of materials, construction, and many others. In the case, of smoke, with harmful substances filling the air, you may sometimes not see it, but the smell could notify you. These harmful substances are

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Environmental and Industrial Causes of Air Pollution in the community – showers foundation

By Joanna Jaiyeola The Major causes of Air Pollution can range from environmental causes to Industrial causes. Air pollution as said in the previous article, is the release of harmful substances into the air, it has lots of consequences for the body and it can be caused by various domestic activities and even industrial activities.

Environmental and Industrial Causes of Air Pollution in the community – showers foundation Read More »

Mayor Chikwe Greatnes, Ogbonge Doctor, Drink Water Challenge

Top 5 Importance of drinking water regularly in the body 

By Joanna Jaiyeola Drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated is the most important thing you can do for yourself, to stay constantly healthy. Generally, research has discovered the need for liquid in the human body. Dr. F. Bateman, a student of Alexander Fleming – penicillin discoverer and Nobel laureate. devoted his life to

Top 5 Importance of drinking water regularly in the body  Read More »