What is Tuberculosis?

Unlike HIV, Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by germs (bacteria). These germs usually affect the lungs (Pulmonary type, but they can also affect other body organs (extra-pulmonary Type). Examples of body organs involved in extrapulmonary types include the brain, kidney, skin, joints, and backbone.
How is Tuberculosis spread?
These germs spread mainly through the air, the germs are released into the air when a person with the disease, who is not on adequate treatment, coughs, sneezes, or spits. These germs are tiny and can remain in the air for several hours. Persons who breathe in air containing these germs become infected with Tuberculosis.
Do all persons infected with germs develop the disease?
Not all affected persons develop the disease. When a “Latent carrier” person is infected, the germs can remain in his/her body in an inactive state without causing sickness, this is called latent Tuberculosis infection. The inactive germs cannot be spread to others, However, if these germs become active by multiplying and destroying body tissues the person may become sick with the disease. Such a person with the disease usually has symptoms of the disease.
The Human Immune Virus (HIV)
HIV has a certain feeling or stigma to it. People do not readily love to associate with persons who have been identified to be positive with either Tuberculosis or HIV. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), HIV is a human immune virus that, if left untreated can degenerate further into AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Currently, there is no known cure for this virus but its progression in the human body can be controlled effectively.
Tracing the origin of HIV, the CDC pointed out that this virus could have gotten into Human blood at a time when humans hunted Chimpanzees for food and must have mixed blood during the process.
Symptoms of (HIV)
In the first two weeks after a successful infection, the new host can experience flu-like symptoms, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, rash, muscle aches, Mouth Ulcers, Night sweats, Chills, & Fatigue. However, symptoms are not a determinant of a positive carrier of diseases or viral infections such as HIV, there is a need for proper diagnosis and confirmation by medical personnel. Most persons prefer a strip test estimation, however, strip tests are not 100% accurate and could give false positive results as a result of other meters in the body.